Tag: Reading

Reading – Purposes, Users, Stakeholders

Television (TV) is a type of electronic that uses communication, so it can broadcast programs. In the mid century they used a model of broadcast radio, so people all over the world could get entertainment by the television. For example: televisions are used for casting programs.

The purpose for the TV is casting programs. For example: people can watch news, movies, animations, action movies, kids channels, and others. This can give entertainment to people that can watch on television.

The users are the people who use TVs to browse the channels or find something they would like to watch. For example: cartoons can entertain kids, news can entertain adults and sometimes kids, and sports can entertain adults and kids.

Stakeholders are the people or a person that invented the technology. For example: if they invest the technology it can help the person or the people and gain more money for the stakeholders.

SSR Selfie

I learnt SSR Selfie.

First I got a book and read for 15 minutes. The book was called bad guys. Bad guys are people that do bad things. For example: bad guys does crimes like robbing the bank and stealing peoples money.

Next I made a recount, and listed 3 new words. For example: if I didn’t know a word from a book, I note them and find the meaning of the word.

I enjoyed this task because I like reading. I need to improve on reading the book. I did well on finding new words.

Reading – History

I chose a technology that was the first ever invention of it. The technology is called a television / TV. The first ever invention was a type of light bulb. The light bulb controls the TV. This was made in 1926 by John Logie Baird. After John Logie invented the TV, the next year this person made a TV, but people thought that that was the first TV made. 

This technology is different to the modern version of its technology. The modern TV uses a remote and the first TV used a light bulb. The screen for the modern TV is a flat screen, the first TV was not flat, but it looked different. For example: the light bulb has this weird thing on the bottom of the light bulb. It is like a battery.

There are many types of technology. The first version of the technology can look different to what it looks like in the modern days.

Reading – Synthesising

I learnt a strategy called synthesising.

Synthesising is a basic strategy. Synthesising means to make something new from small components. For example: synthesising is like maths because it has to use my prior knowledge + new information = new understanding.

The story is a fairy tale in 1248. It is about these people in the park, then this man comes and blows on a fife. All of the rats and mice go around him. People claimed that he was a rat catcher.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt a new strategy. I need to improve on reading the text more. I did well on prior knowledge.

Reading – Anywords

I learnt how to play a game called anywords.

First I learnt anywords. Anywords is a game that uses 2 people.

Next I started to choose words to beat Riley. I won 7 – 6.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt anywords. I need to improve on choosing words. I did well on learning the game.

SSR Selfie

I learnt about a book called Tom Gates.

First I read the book for 15 minutes and put the author, illustrator, my name and, the title of the book. The author was Liz Pichon.

Next I looked in the book and make a little recount about the book.

I enjoyed this task because I liked reading the book. I need to improve on looking for ideas in the recount. I did well on reading the book.


Reading – Visualising

Visualising is thinking about an image, then creating the image without searching the image, text, or topic.

Visualising is a strategy on what the image looks like, feels like, or smells like. The image has to be a topic of something in your mind. For example: Lacrosse is a team sport that involves 10 males or 12 females. The 10 males or the 12 females have a cross or lacrosse stick. The image will be drawn as 10 males or 12 females playing Lacrosse with a cross or lacrosse stick.

Visualising can help kids that like drawing. Visualising is a simple strategy.
