Tag: PB4L

PB4L – Being Inclusive To Other People

I learnt about being inclusive to people and the benefits on how to be inclusive.

First I revised on how I was inclusive to a person and what I said to the person so they can be included. For example: I saw a kid by himself and said “hey, what’s your name? Want to play with us?”

Next I learnt about the benefits of being inclusive to others. A benefit of being inclusive is, making sure they are welcomed to a group or welcome to the school. Making sure their welcome might be like: “hey are you new to the school? What’s your name?”

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to be inclusive to other people and helping them if they are lonely. I need to improve on writing more benefits about being inclusive. I did well on making sure a new person to our school felt like they were welcome to our school.

PB4L – Looking Under my Bed

I learnt motivational things.

First we told our scary storys. For example: my scary story was about me being too scared to look under my bed because when I was 4 or 5 my dad scared me with a clown mask. I thought that there were monsters under my bed or my closet. I watched scary videos when I was little and saw lots of monsters and thought that monsters were real.

Next we learnt about who encouged me to not be scared. For example: those 3am videos are fake, there are no monsters under your bed or your closet. (He looked inside of the closet and showed us that there are no monsters under my bed or in my closet).

I enjoyed this task because I learnt that monsters were not under my bed. I need to improve on writing my story. I did well on writing my motivational thing.

PB4L – Eating Times

There are 2 types of eating. Formal and casual eating. There are different types of places while eating formally. For example: eating at a church and eating at the dinner table. Casual places to eat is, fast foods and your room. 

Formal eating is, eating with mouth closed, eating while sitting down, eating quietly, eating with fork and knife, and eating slowly.

Casual eating is, eating with mouth full, eating while standing, eating with mouth open, eating fast, and throwing food while eating.

Formal eating, is eating at places while using manners. Casual eating is, eating at places without using manners.

Cybersmart – Online Dangers

We learnt the online dangers.

First we got into groups and wrote down the online dangers about 7 topics. We wrote down that you might send someone your address or private information. We matched the texts with the topics. For example: bullying (cyber bullying) is calling people trash or you are ugly.

Next we thought about the online dangers. The 7 topics were scams, bullying (cyber bullying), phishing, posting private information, malware download, predators (cyber predators), and regretful posting.

Lastly we wrote about the things that you have to do if that happens to you. For example: if a person click baits you and says you won lots of money and it is a scam. You have to ignore it. If a malware download happens you have to find a virus tracker and delete it for you. If a person is trying to scam you, you can ignore them or tell your parents. If a bully is being mean, you can tell the teacher or your parents.

I enjoyed this task because I never knew that the online dangers will damage your pc or chromebook. I did well on writing down what happens if it happens. I need to improve on matching the topics with the text.

PB4L – Bathromm Procedures

I learnt how to respect the toilet.

First we talked about the batroom procedures. The three procedures are, respect the toilet, inform the teacher, and wash your hands.

Next we made a DLO for the bathroom procedures. For the DLO we made a table and put on pictures explaing what the toilet procedures are.

I enjoyed this task because I could teach kids the bathroom procedures. I need to improve on talking about the bathroom procedures. I did well on explaing the DLO.


We learnt correct and incorrect uniform.

First we discussed in groups what uniform is and what kinds of uniform are acceptable. Uniform are a clothes that are worn by a particular group.

Next we made a google draw and wrote what kind of uniform are they in our school.

Lastly we wrote correct and incorrect uniform. For example: Nails are just normal and the incorrect is when your nails are fake.

I enjoyed this task because it talked about correct and incorrect uniform. I need to improve on writing my incorrect uniform. I did well on writing my correct uniform.


Today we were learning about manners.

First we talked and explain about manners.

After we used a site called word out. We made our own and put manners in the text box.

Lastly we took 4 photos about using manners.

I enjoyed this task because it uses words that are kind, friendly, and nice words. I’m good at doing eye contact. I need to improve on saying thank you.