Year: 2024

Sentence Structure

LI: to learn the three different sentences

For this challenge we understood the meaning of the three sentences, simple, compound, and complex. This challenge was to choose one of the 4 opinions to see if the sentence was a, simple, compound, complex, or a complex / compound. If you got the answer right you were able to win fake money. For example: the answer is able to win $200 and then move on to $300, then $400 and so on. My highest on this challenge was $500,000 and I wasn’t able to hit the jackpot $1,000,000.

I enjoyed this game because this helped me improve in my writing and helping me to learn more about different sentences.

Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences

LI: to understand what the 3 sentences.

For this task we understood what the 3 sentences is for writing. The 3 sentences are: simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence. A simple sentence is one independent clause or an idea that contains a noun or a verb. A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences, combined with a conjunction word or a FANBOYS. A complex sentence is an independent clause and another clause, but also using aaawwubbis. (ALL WAYS START A SENTENCE WITH A CAPTAIL SENTENCE AND END THE SENTENCE WITH A FULL STOP)

I enjoyed this task because it helped me by writing sentences. I need to improve on writing complex sentences because I need to write more detail and stronger vobac.

Matariki Star Design

LI: to design a our own Matariki star

For this task we were able to create a Matariki star design. My design explains the four main elements of the earth. For example: the four main elements are: fire, water, earth, wind. The reason why I used the elements for my design is because I thought that the star would represent the earth and Tane Mahuta because Tane Mahuta represents the earth/land.

I enjoyed this task because I enjoy drawing or creating peaces of arts. I would like to improve on thinking about more ideas about the Matariki design.

National and International Current Events

LI: to find national and international current events

Click this link to see the Current Events task

For this task we made a Google my maps and explained about current/present events that happened world wide and in New Zealand. For our current events, we used terms of, timeless, emotions, conflit, inpact, unexpectedness, and etc. Our topics for international were about the war going in the world. Our topics for national were about sports, floods, conflits and etc.

I enjoyed this task because we got to experience about the outside world and not learning about what’s happening in New Zealand.

Representing School in a Inter-school Competition – Sliver Attitude

LI: to represent your school in a inter-school competition

Our school enter in a inter-school competition for volley ball. We had a year 7-8 boys team, a year 7-8 girls team, a year 5-6 boys team, and a year 5-6 girls team. This volley ball competition was very competitive because there were others school that were very good at playing volley ball. For our year 7-8 boys team, they won 6, tied once, and lost 0 games. For our team, we need to improve in our severing, but the team was very amazing to watch.

I enjoyed the volley ball inter-school because it helped us with our physical health for playing sports and all types of exercise. Our year 7-8 boys team enjoyed playing against other schools.

Abstract Poem – Writing

LI: to use a abstract word to write a poem

For this task we researched a abstract word and use that word to write a sentence using the 5 senses. Olfactory, gustatory, visual, tactile, and audiorty. These 5 senses is other words for, smell, taste, see, feel, and sound. This task helped me with using powerful words and rhyming.

I enjoyed this task because this helped me with using the 5 senses and using powerful word.

Moment in Time Poems – Writing

LI: to write a poem, and use powerful words

For this task we wrote a poem about the time of the place or thing. Our 2 poems we wrote about is about a polar bear and Maungarei (Mountain). My favourite poem my group wrote was the polar bear poem because it was expressed with power words and shows, but doesn’t tell about the poem.

I enjoyed this task because it helped my vocabulary and testing new words. I would like to improve more into my vocabulary and to learn new ways on writing a poem.


Sound Focus – Writing

LI: to write a sentence using long /e/ and long /a/

For this task, we drew coloums and wrote words that belonged in the long /a/ and the long /e/. After making the coloums, we wrote a silly sentence about the long /a/ and long /e/. One of our sentences from the long /e/ is: ‘The Foreign person forgot the receipt to the t-shirt from the leisure brand, but received uber eats from the ceiling and realised he was deceived.’ One thing I liked about this task is writing the sentence in a silly way. My favourite part of the sentence is: ‘but received uber eats from the ceiling and realised he was deceived.’

I enjoyed this task because this task was able to make us laugh when making the sentences.

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: to understand the Treaty of Waitangi.

For this task we read and noted information about the Treaty of Waitangi. For this task we were in partners and had to summarise: Why is the Treaty of Waitangi Important and What is the Treaty of Waitangi? On the blue DLO we summed up the text.

I enjoyed this task because we got to learn about the text and the Treaty of Waitangi.

Taniwha Names – Matheus

LI: to draw our name as a taniwha

For this task we made a Taniwha and wrote it as our name. For example: we drew a taniwha as one of our letters (my taniwha was my M). We wrote these names, so we could added it to our painting we made of ourselves. We drew a draft before we made our taniwha, so we didn’t have to think of a design.

I enjoyed this task because we put some creativty.