Day: March 14, 2024

Sound Focus – Writing

LI: to write a sentence using long /e/ and long /a/

For this task, we drew coloums and wrote words that belonged in the long /a/ and the long /e/. After making the coloums, we wrote a silly sentence about the long /a/ and long /e/. One of our sentences from the long /e/ is: ‘The Foreign person forgot the receipt to the t-shirt from the leisure brand, but received uber eats from the ceiling and realised he was deceived.’ One thing I liked about this task is writing the sentence in a silly way. My favourite part of the sentence is: ‘but received uber eats from the ceiling and realised he was deceived.’

I enjoyed this task because this task was able to make us laugh when making the sentences.

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: to understand the Treaty of Waitangi.

For this task we read and noted information about the Treaty of Waitangi. For this task we were in partners and had to summarise: Why is the Treaty of Waitangi Important and What is the Treaty of Waitangi? On the blue DLO we summed up the text.

I enjoyed this task because we got to learn about the text and the Treaty of Waitangi.

Taniwha Names – Matheus

LI: to draw our name as a taniwha

For this task we made a Taniwha and wrote it as our name. For example: we drew a taniwha as one of our letters (my taniwha was my M). We wrote these names, so we could added it to our painting we made of ourselves. We drew a draft before we made our taniwha, so we didn’t have to think of a design.

I enjoyed this task because we put some creativty.

Leaders we Admire

LI: to visualise your goals

For this task we wrote about the leaders we admire. The leaders I admire is Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parkes. These people are famous for their civil war. Martin Luther King Jr is a person whos race was black, but other people didn’t like him because he had a different race as them, so he made a protest to let people with a different skin colour to have freedom. Rosa Parks sat on a white people only bus and sat there.

Statistics Investigation – Maths Strand

LI: to read the text, gather, sort, graph, and analyse the data.
LI: to understand the meaning of Mode, Median, Mean

For our task we made a statistical investigation about our blog posts over the years. (Year 7 was 2021 – 2023 and Year 8 was 2020 – 2023.) We went on our old blogs and counted each blog post we did in each month. For example: in March 2021 I blog 11 posts. Other way of learning statistical investigation is learning the meaning of: Mean, Median, and Mode:

The Meaning of Mean is: the total of the group of numbers.
The Meaning of Mode is: seeing the most appeared number in the group of numbers. For example: if there is 11, 12, 13, 15, 12, 11, the most appearing number is 12 because it apppear 3 times in the group.
The Meaning of Median is: finding the middle number in the group, but first putting it from smallest to largest and then finding the middle number.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to make a bar graph for my investigation. My favourite part in the statistical investigation is looking at my old blogs and comparing it to my recent blogs.

Vision Board 2024

LI: to visualise your goals

For this task we made a vision board about our goals and the person we wanted to be when we are grown up. The person I chose was David Tua. David Tua is a Samoan boxer from Apia. (Capatial Samoa). David Tua is a very famous boxer in New Zealand for being famous in the Olympics. The collage I want to get into is Dilworth.

I enjoyed this task because I got to explain about the person I want to be.