Day: March 22, 2024

Abstract Poem – Writing

LI: to use a abstract word to write a poem

For this task we researched a abstract word and use that word to write a sentence using the 5 senses. Olfactory, gustatory, visual, tactile, and audiorty. These 5 senses is other words for, smell, taste, see, feel, and sound. This task helped me with using powerful words and rhyming.

I enjoyed this task because this helped me with using the 5 senses and using powerful word.

Moment in Time Poems – Writing

LI: to write a poem, and use powerful words

For this task we wrote a poem about the time of the place or thing. Our 2 poems we wrote about is about a polar bear and Maungarei (Mountain). My favourite poem my group wrote was the polar bear poem because it was expressed with power words and shows, but doesn’t tell about the poem.

I enjoyed this task because it helped my vocabulary and testing new words. I would like to improve more into my vocabulary and to learn new ways on writing a poem.