Day: September 20, 2022

Writing – Types of Poetry

There are many types of poetry.

Cinquain is a five line poem that describes something. Cinquain have a rhythm but don’t have to rhyme.

Diamoante is a seven line poem that compares or contrasts two things. Diamante don’t rhyme.

Haiku is a syllable count based poem describing the feeling of a moment in time. True haiku need a reference to a season and a specific rhythm, but they don’t rhyme.

Limerick is a rhyming (end rhyme) five line poem that tells a joke. Limericks need to have a rhythm to sound good.

Poems come in many different forms and purposes.

Reading – Processed Food

I learnt how to evaluate processed food.

First I read 7 articles about processed food and obesity. I read the 7 articles, so I can have more important information for my slide 1 and slide 2. The slide 1 was about processed food being bad and slide 2 ways that processed food is good.

Next I talked with my group about if obesity is good or if obesity is bad. For example: obesity is good because it gives energy or obesity is bad because it is unhealthy for us. Our opinion was that it is good because it doesn’t kill us, gives us more energy, and unsaturated fats gives us saturated Vitamin D.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to evaluate. I need to improve on reading the articles. I did well on putting information on my slide deck.