Cybersmart – How to Write a Blog (Information and Explanation)

After writing this, it will be easier to write a blog post.


  • Netbook or paper
  • Pencil or pen (if your writing on paper)


(1, 3, 5, and 7 is how to write an information report. 2, 4, 6, and 8 is how to write an explanation.)

  1. (for an information report), find a topic that has lots of information about it.
  2. (for explanation), find a topic that is a technology. For example: an engine.
  3. (for information report), write a mini sentence about the topic, then write another sentence about the order of the information. For example: trees grow on land. The parts of the tree are the roots, fruit, and the leaves.
  4. (for explanation), then write an intro from the topic. For example: engines have this part called convert chemical.
  5. (for information report), write then information about the topic in order. For example: the roots of the trees help the trees grow.
  6. (for explanation), then explain the parts of the object or explain how the thing works.
  7. (for information), then write a mini sentence about the topic.
  8. (for explanation), then write a mini summary about how the thing works or what the parts are for the topic.

(There are 4 parts for an information report and 4 parts for the explanation.)

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