Year: 2022

Basic Facts Boxes

I learnt my basic facts for times tables.

First I practised my 1 – 5 time tables. For example: I need 1 x 1 – 1 x 10, 5 x 1 – 5 x 10. This was easy because I remembered my times tables up to 5.

Next I practised my 6 – 12 time tables. For example: I need to 6 x 1 – 6 x 10, 12 x 1 – 12 x 10. This was hard because I didn’t know my 12 times table.

I enjoyed this task because I practised my times tables. I need to improve on my 12 times tables. I did well on my 5 times tables.

Writing – Commenting

I learnt how to comment on other peoples blog.

First I learnt the first thing to put on a comment. For example: the first thing to put on a comment is a greeting, what I learnt, and what I enjoyed.

Next I wrote my comment. I thought about how to write a reply to the person. For example: if I had more questions I could add it, writing what I also enjoyed about the blog post.

I enjoyed commenting because I learnt how to write a comment. I need to improve on writing my greeting for my reply. I did well on thinking about my comment.

Writing – TEE

The TEE structure stands for topic sentence, explain, and elaborate.

The topic sentence tells the reader what has happened in the text. The topic sentence is a simple sentence. For example: The leaf fell off the tree, while the tree was dying.

The explaination tells the reader what is happening in the text while the main topic is more detailed. For example: A very dry leaf flew side to side, after the leaf fell off the tree. The dry leaf landed safe on the sand.

The elaborate is adding even more information and making it more detailed. For example: There were 4 leafs and 1 fell off. The tree was so dry that it looks old. The sun shines as bright as the world’s brightest flashlight.  

Reading – Purposes, Users, Stakeholders

Television (TV) is a type of electronic that uses communication, so it can broadcast programs. In the mid century they used a model of broadcast radio, so people all over the world could get entertainment by the television. For example: televisions are used for casting programs.

The purpose for the TV is casting programs. For example: people can watch news, movies, animations, action movies, kids channels, and others. This can give entertainment to people that can watch on television.

The users are the people who use TVs to browse the channels or find something they would like to watch. For example: cartoons can entertain kids, news can entertain adults and sometimes kids, and sports can entertain adults and kids.

Stakeholders are the people or a person that invented the technology. For example: if they invest the technology it can help the person or the people and gain more money for the stakeholders.

Inquiry – Timeline Car

Cars are a type of transport that are used to take people from place to place. For example: the first steamed car was made in 1769. This car can take people places.

There are many old cars and modern cars. The first car with gasoline was a Benz Patent Motorwagen. It was made in the 15th century. The year it was made was 1806. Carl Benz made the car. For example: The Benz Patent Motorwagen can go at least 15 mph (miles per hour). 

There are modern cars like a tesla. A Tesla was made by Elon Musk. Elon Musk is a billionaire that flies rockets into space. For example: a Tesla is a car that can drive itself. This car was made in 2019 – 2022.

There are many cars made in the 1900s – 2022. There many types of land transportion. For example: buses, cars, and others.

Maths – Statistics Length

I learnt how to make a statistics on jumping to a distance.

First we leant how to make a table and a scatter graph. A scatter graph has dots on where the score is placed at. For example: if I jump 2.921 mm I have to convert it into metres, so the number will be 2.9 cm / 2.92 cm.

Next we had to jump 8 times. My lengths for my jump went high and low. For example: my longest jump was 2.8 cm and my lowest was 1.8 cm. That was my lowest jump because I started to get tired.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to make a scatter graph. I need to improve on making the graph. I did well on jumping. 


HPE – Shotput – Discus

I learnt a range of skills for discus and revised skills for shot put.

First I learnt a range of skills for discus. Discus is a type of sport, but I have to roll the discus. The body has to be on ground height, point finger to target, and discus on the shelf. For example: the discus has to be rolled on the ground.

Next I revised a range of skills for shot put. Shotput is a sport, but the ball has a lot of weight to the ball. The shot put is pushing the ball using three fingers to hold the ball from the middle of your ear to neck, then use the other hand to aim where you’re pushing the ball, and twist your body to put more force into the shot.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt and revised a range of skills for discus and shotput. I need to improve on keeping my body at ground height. I did well on pushing the shot put.


I learnt how to comment on people’s blogs.

First I learnt the main things to write on a blog post. For example: if I’m commenting on someone’s blog, I have to greet them, what I enjoyed about their blog post, what I learnt from their blog post, ask a question on their blog, and tell them your feedback for their blog.

Next I wrote my feedback. If they reply. I have to reply back to their comment. For example: I have to greet again, saying thank you for the reply, if you got another question, add the question, and add feedback for their reply.

I enjoyed this task because I enjoyed commenting to other people. I did well on greeting the person. I need to improve on asking better questions, and feedback for their work.

Cybersmart – Harmful Digital Communication

Being harmful digitally is cyberbullying, black mailing, and other things that are being mean digitally. If a person digitally harms someone on email or other texting apps, the fine might be over $50,000. 

10 principles help people if they’re getting cyberbullying or something else that causes harm digitally. One of the principles is. A digital communication should not incite or encourage an individual to commit suicide. This can lead the person to get a $50,000 fine.

If an individual gets harmed digitally the person who digitally harmed the person will get a $50,000 fine. For example: a person emails a person and threatens them or puts a photo and adds things that make the person bad. The person who emailed gets fined.